Sherlock Holmes puffed furiously on his pipe. He'd taken on some difficult cases in his time but investigating the continued presence of SISU at Coventry City topped the lot. Doctor Watson was
also suitably baffled.
"Holmes. You're telling me this hedge fund is repeatedly recieving terrible publicity for running this football club into the ground. Surely reputation is everything with these companies. It
hardly encourages would be investors."
"Elementary my dear Watson. Investors care only about recieving a profit on their investment. How matters not a jot."
"So, they could form a company, sell the club's training ground with a proviso raised funds go into that company rather than back into the club and investors would profit."
"Theoretically. But only say that inside these walls. Lawyers are everywhere. But it's legal and above board anyway."
"But Holmes, hardly spiffing for the club's supporters. And you say, you can form new companies, bury debt and liquidate them before forming new companies and so on."
"Why don't you talk to all the club's former directors?"
"You what, you what, you Watson. The average life expectancy of a detective doesn't run into talking to that many people. They arrive in droves with gusto, vanish suddenly, never to speak again."
"Weirder and weirder Holmes. Yet there are protests. Supporters up in arms. A club in turmoil, but the authorities don't act?"
"No. Seemingly a blind eye is turned in higher echelons. Supporters are what is technically known as, up shit creek."
"Blimey. This is as desperate a case as we've ever tackled."
Holmes put on his deerstalker.
"Beats me Watson. For once I'm stumped."
"The head of this hedge fund is a reclusive woman. Shy's from the public eye. Knows nothing about football. Why then would you want to own a football club?"
"Why indeed? For the first time, I'm defeated. I'm going up the pub to get pissed."
"You're even sounding like a Coventry fan now Holmes."
Watson went back to his newspaper.
"Have fun Holmes. Who knows why such organisations exist. I see house prices are still rising. Good for some."