Its the pantomime season again so here I present a poem with a Coventry City fan twist.
Snow White Was Sky Blue!
Its a little known fact, only privy to a few
The famous Snow White supported the Sky Blues
So as the Seven Dwarfs, off to work they trekked
She watched the 87 Final on her widescreen set
Only for the phone to ring and a voice to bellow
A mine accident has trapped seven wee fellows
Snow White was shaking, she nearly had a fit
As in her Cov City top, she raced to the pit
With an ear to the ground, she waited for a sign
That her seven treasured friends were all fine
Suddenly there was rumbling from down below
Somebody was safe and wanted them to know
"Get me out" A voice cried, "I'm trapped by a pillar
"I need to get to the match and shout for the Villa."
Snow White smiled, she knew who had survived
She yelled, "Oh, Dopey, thank God you're still alive."